Pictoword School Teacher Dashboard
Dashboard for teachers of the Pictoword School App, an app that supports the vocabulary development of K-6 English Learners through engaging word puzzles, game-based learning, student-adaptive personalization, and tailored educational content. More info. here -
Web application for Customer Support for android and ios apps/games. Written in Javascript (ExpressJs, and ReactJs), deployed in AWS Website
Official website of one the most popular hyper-casual game in the world.
Kooapps Website
Official website of the biggest game development company in the Philippines. Server Statistics Dashboard
Server Performance dashboard for Developed using Python Flask and ChartJs, deployed in AWS.
Learning Era Website
Official website of organization that develops Pictoword School, that won multiple award like the IES Small Business Innovation Research Grant in 2021, Gold Medal at the International Serious Play Awards in 2021 and more.